Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I'm Back!

Well obviously it has been quite a while since my last post. I have now have my braces for 4 1/2 months. I can't believe how quickly my teeth have been moving. At my last ortho appointment. I was told "my teeth looked cute" by the orthodontist assistant haha! In my opinion I think they look great! I also must say I really don't notice or mind my braces anymore. I never thought I would be able to say that because I was very self conscious about them before, but now that I think about it I rather have pretty straight teeth!

My next appointment is January 16th. I will be getting my bottom braces on at that appointment. Hopefully all goes well!

Monday, August 15, 2011

I got my braces put on today! Well, on the top at least. As you can tell I went with ceramic on top so that they would hopefully be a little less noticeable (although I definitely notice them). The appointment was long, about 2.5 hours but overall went very well. I felt so much relief once they removed the spacers :) I have posted some pictures of what my teeth and braces look like today and I will take new pictures every Monday until my next appointment which is September 29th. Hopefully we will see some movement by then!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Spacers a.k.a Torture

I went to the orthodontist on Wednesday to have spacers put in. The spacers are used to put space between your molars so that molar bands can be put on. My orthodontist decided to use molar bands with my braces because he says he can get the movement he wants to see.

Before I went to get my spacers put in I had heard and read that they were no fun and uncomfortable for a few days but simple Ibuprofen or Advil would take care of it. Well wasn't I in for a surprise. They hurt like I don't know what today is day 3 of 5 and I am still really uncomfortable. I can only eat soft foods because my teeth hurt so bad. I have been taking Ibuprofen and Advil nonstop and I cannot wait for them to be out of my mouth.

I have never had braces before but hopefully they won't be nearly as bad as spacers. I go in Monday to get my top braces which will be ceramic, so I will update you guys and let you know how it goes!

Here are some pictures of my teeth before I get my braces:

First off I would like to introduce myself. My name is Ashley, I am 21 I will be 22 in 10 days!! This is definitely not how I pictured things. I never expected to have braces especially not at the age of 22. Thankfully I have amazing parents who are paying for my treatment. I am excited and nervous about getting my braces on. One of my biggest concerns is that they will make me look even younger than I already do. In my next post I will post pictures and give you some more updates.